Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Little Apple Dolls

So here is another obsession that I have, Little Apple Dolls. I think it was around 2004 when the first series of these dolls came out. I originally missed the first series and purchased the second series when I was shopping at Spencer's (of all places). But being the OCD person that I am, I had to repurchase the second series of the dolls since 1) the boxes were beat up and 2) I was missing one of the dolls in the set. So the picture above is of the first dolls I purchased at Spencer's. Since I bought another set, I could open these.

My friend thought that they were freaky. I really love them. I guess it's because it reminded me of my favorite J-Horror movies (Ju-on and Ringu). I guess I am a strange person to like horror so much. Not too many Japanese girls are into horror or thriller movies, like I am. It takes a lot for me to get grossed out or scared from a horror/slasher movie. (What a weirdo, lol ^_^).

After repurchasing the second series, I realized there was a series before the ones I just purchased. So I had to get those! The only thing was, no one was selling them as a set. I would have had to buy them all separately. I decided to wait to see if there would be a set released. It was a smart move. In a couple of months, Little Apple Dolls started getting a cult following. Soon the first series had a special box set. Yay for me! I finally got my first series set.

I was so obsessed with the dolls that I knew when the next series was going to be released. It's a good thing I had a friend that worked at Hot Topic. I told her to hold an entire set for me. I was so so happy when she agreed to do it.

Soon after the third series was released, exclusive Comic-Con dolls were going to be sold. Grrrr!!! I had no way of getting to the Comic-Con. At the time, I was struggling just to get the other dolls. How am I going to afford to fly to Comic-Con? Good thing there's eBay.

I had a while until the fourth series was to be released, but still I told my friend at Hot Topic to hold the whole set for me. Every week I would go in asking if they got the dolls in. I think she was getting a little irritated with me asking. Obsession can do that to a person.

So in just about two years I collected (hmmm...3 + 4 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 19?!?!) 19 Little Apple Dolls. OMG, I really didn't count how many I had. Well actually I have 22 since I have the 3 opened dolls. Everything else is still in its box. What OCD and restraint I have. I would take a picture of all of them arranged in order, but that would mean taking them out of the closet where my doll collection is stored. I am too lazy, it's a lot of boxes to fit in a picture.

The only thing that really gets to me is that I don't have the fifth series. I kind of had to make a sacrifice about the fifth series and also the place I pre-ordered the dolls from canceled the shipment. The sacrifice I made was a big one. I had to save money for my Japan trip, so it meant less spending on all my collections, which included Little Apple Dolls T_T. Later on I will blog about my other collections. (I think I will blog about my ultimate obsession last ^_^; but for those that know me, you already know what it is).

So now I have a hole in my collection and haven't found my fifth series. Hopefully I will find it. It is my mission to find those two dolls, then my collection will be complete!

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