Thursday, October 8, 2009


Electronics. I am such a sucker when it comes to electronics. This past month, I spent $1000 on Sony electronics. I can't believe it. I bought a new lens for my Sony Alpha, 2 Sony Readers (pink and navy), and a PSP Go. And I wonder where all my money goes, LOL.

I realize that I am very brand loyal. Majority of my electronics are Sony. I have 3 Sony cameras (2 digital and 1 DSLR). I really want another Sony DSLR (maybe next year). I have the first generation PSP and now a PSP Go (which has only music and videos; can't believe I have buy all my games again). I have 2 Sony Readers (beats carrying around a 1,000 page hardcover). I have the first generation PS3, PS2 (American and Japanese), PS2 Slim, and PS. All the TV's in the house are Sony (Trinitron and Bravia). I am a Sony junkie. I need some rehab.

Speaking of gaming systems, I think I have almost all the gaming systems that has ever been released and they are still in working condition (thank you OCD). Let's see I have the original Nintendo; and yes, it still WORKS (and no I am not selling it). I have the first gen Gameboy, Gameboy Color, DS, DS Lite, DSi (Japanese), Super Nintendo, N64, Gamecube (first shipment), and Wii (first shipment). I mentioned all the Sony gaming systems I have. I have the Xbox, Xbox360 (first gen, still working; close to the red ring of death though), and Xbox360 Elite. I still have the Sega Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, and also GameGear (OMG, you didn't think I would have that, huh). What can I say, I am a gamer.

Right now I am in a big predicament. I actually have to choose between two games that are coming out on the same day. Usually I don't have to, but since I went on my Sony spending spree this past month, I can't afford to get both. I am talking about Tekken 6 and DJ Hero. I really want both, but right now I am convinced in getting my Tekken 6 (only because I have the limited edition reserved). I really want the limited edition fighting stick. The only problem is, I don't remember which system I reserved it for. I am pretty sure it's for the PS3 because of the graphics.

Electronics are my weakness. I think I would rather buy electronics over Hello Kitty stuff (OMG, did I just say that).

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