Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Little Apple Dolls

So here is another obsession that I have, Little Apple Dolls. I think it was around 2004 when the first series of these dolls came out. I originally missed the first series and purchased the second series when I was shopping at Spencer's (of all places). But being the OCD person that I am, I had to repurchase the second series of the dolls since 1) the boxes were beat up and 2) I was missing one of the dolls in the set. So the picture above is of the first dolls I purchased at Spencer's. Since I bought another set, I could open these.

My friend thought that they were freaky. I really love them. I guess it's because it reminded me of my favorite J-Horror movies (Ju-on and Ringu). I guess I am a strange person to like horror so much. Not too many Japanese girls are into horror or thriller movies, like I am. It takes a lot for me to get grossed out or scared from a horror/slasher movie. (What a weirdo, lol ^_^).

After repurchasing the second series, I realized there was a series before the ones I just purchased. So I had to get those! The only thing was, no one was selling them as a set. I would have had to buy them all separately. I decided to wait to see if there would be a set released. It was a smart move. In a couple of months, Little Apple Dolls started getting a cult following. Soon the first series had a special box set. Yay for me! I finally got my first series set.

I was so obsessed with the dolls that I knew when the next series was going to be released. It's a good thing I had a friend that worked at Hot Topic. I told her to hold an entire set for me. I was so so happy when she agreed to do it.

Soon after the third series was released, exclusive Comic-Con dolls were going to be sold. Grrrr!!! I had no way of getting to the Comic-Con. At the time, I was struggling just to get the other dolls. How am I going to afford to fly to Comic-Con? Good thing there's eBay.

I had a while until the fourth series was to be released, but still I told my friend at Hot Topic to hold the whole set for me. Every week I would go in asking if they got the dolls in. I think she was getting a little irritated with me asking. Obsession can do that to a person.

So in just about two years I collected (hmmm...3 + 4 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 19?!?!) 19 Little Apple Dolls. OMG, I really didn't count how many I had. Well actually I have 22 since I have the 3 opened dolls. Everything else is still in its box. What OCD and restraint I have. I would take a picture of all of them arranged in order, but that would mean taking them out of the closet where my doll collection is stored. I am too lazy, it's a lot of boxes to fit in a picture.

The only thing that really gets to me is that I don't have the fifth series. I kind of had to make a sacrifice about the fifth series and also the place I pre-ordered the dolls from canceled the shipment. The sacrifice I made was a big one. I had to save money for my Japan trip, so it meant less spending on all my collections, which included Little Apple Dolls T_T. Later on I will blog about my other collections. (I think I will blog about my ultimate obsession last ^_^; but for those that know me, you already know what it is).

So now I have a hole in my collection and haven't found my fifth series. Hopefully I will find it. It is my mission to find those two dolls, then my collection will be complete!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Life is too short....

It's been a week since I last posted something. So many things have happened since then. A tragedy, but many celebrations in a week. It makes you think about life in general.

This past week, my dad just so happened to mention that m
y uncle Mitsuo passed away. It was weird how it came up too. I was eating my lunch and we were talking about something (I can't remember). All of sudden he says nonchalantly "by the way, uncle Mitsuo passed away." It brought up memories of when my grandpa Higa and grandma Nikaido passed away. I guess my family is this way when it comes to death. You don't hear sorrow in their voice. It's just so-and-so died.

For me, it's a punch in my gut whenever someone in my family passes away (no matter how close- or far-apart we are related). I knew my uncle was sick, but I didn't think he would pass away. He was okay for a couple of years and even came over when my grandma Nikaido got sick and for her funeral.

He was always quiet. Aunty Martha would always talk for uncle Mitsuo. I guess he was shy, runs in the family. I do remember him eating andagi when he wasn't supposed. It made me feel happy since I made the andagi.

So a tragedy in the family occurs. A couple of days later, it was time for celebration. ICU (International Credit Union) week started off with a community service project at the Keopuolani park. Employees and volunteers of credit unions around Maui came together to clean up the playground equipment and clean the play area of th
e park.

A couple of days after that, it was ojiichan's birthday. His lucky birthday (88 = double luck). So I decided to bake 2 pies for him. I didn't realize it until the pies were done that they were both yellow pies (weird). I can't believe my grandpa is 88. He doesn't look 88. I guess it's a Japanese thing. I don't look my age. Well that's what people I meet say.

My grandpa was so so so happy that I baked him a pie. I know a many many months ago he mentioned that he wanted me to make a pie for him. When I delivered it, he says to me "you're a good girl." All I reply with is "I guess." I don't get much compliments in the family. The older part of the family really has a hard time expressing things, but we know what we mean.

After ojiichan's birthday, it was Akiko's birthday. She really needed a night out. She's a stay-at-home mom. She told me that it was a very very long time since she went out without kids or husband. It was really good. All I did was take her out for dinner and drinks. Then walked around the mall so the booze could wear off. The night ended up at Zippy's since she was craving cake. We did a lot of talking that night. Now she wants to go out more often just to talk.

Tonight, me, my coworkers and everyone else involved with the Maui credit unions closed credit union week with a dinner at Maui Beach Hotel Elleair Room. It was a very interesting night. It was a night to network with other credit union workers and volunteers. By networking, I mean more socializing than network. By socializing, I mean DRINK. There was quite a bit of drinking going on.

Of course we had door prizes throughout the night. Didn't win anything this year T_T. Also we had our annual jan ken po competition. Now that was memorable. Because of Trevor, I am going think of "Fuchigami, Fuchigami, Tanimoto" instead of "jan ken po."

This week was an interesting one. It made me think about life. Akiko and I also talked about it and it's true; life is too short. My uncle Mitsuo is an example of it. Death can occur unexpectedly. We have to live life to its fullest. Instead of mourning, we should celebrate life. Because of this way of thinking, I am thinking of things that I want to do in life.

I do want to live in Japan or study in Japan. I am contemplating the masters program at Waseda University through U.H. Manoa. Akiko said I should apply for Jet Programme. I really don't want to be teaching English (it's not my passion), but it would allow me to live in Japan.

I also want to learn Japanese dance. This past Monday, I got to watch a dance practice. In the end, I am going to join the class. I just have to wait until after their recital. Right now they are rehearsing for their recital on the 24th. So probably in November, I will be learning Japanese dance (yay for me).

I want to get my CPA license soon! I was thinking about taking the exam next year. I just don't know if I am going to take the Becker's Review course. It's soooooooo much money. The exam is already pricey. This one I have think about really hard. I really do want to pass it but how much am I willing to sacrifice. But I am going to start studying for it this coming week.

I have decided to take up running with some of my friends. We are planning to run the Great Aloha Run in February. So for almost a month, I have been training. I think I'm doing good. I can't do the entire 8 miles yet. I have about 4 months left. I still have to register, plan my flight/hotel for Oahu.

So much things going in my head just because of this past week. Actually it has been like this since graduation. I can't believe how much studying took out of me. Now that I don't have the stress of homework and exams, my mind just goes from one idea to the other. ADHD going on in my head. How fun!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Electronics. I am such a sucker when it comes to electronics. This past month, I spent $1000 on Sony electronics. I can't believe it. I bought a new lens for my Sony Alpha, 2 Sony Readers (pink and navy), and a PSP Go. And I wonder where all my money goes, LOL.

I realize that I am very brand loyal. Majority of my electronics are Sony. I have 3 Sony cameras (2 digital and 1 DSLR). I really want another Sony DSLR (maybe next year). I have the first generation PSP and now a PSP Go (which has only music and videos; can't believe I have buy all my games again). I have 2 Sony Readers (beats carrying around a 1,000 page hardcover). I have the first generation PS3, PS2 (American and Japanese), PS2 Slim, and PS. All the TV's in the house are Sony (Trinitron and Bravia). I am a Sony junkie. I need some rehab.

Speaking of gaming systems, I think I have almost all the gaming systems that has ever been released and they are still in working condition (thank you OCD). Let's see I have the original Nintendo; and yes, it still WORKS (and no I am not selling it). I have the first gen Gameboy, Gameboy Color, DS, DS Lite, DSi (Japanese), Super Nintendo, N64, Gamecube (first shipment), and Wii (first shipment). I mentioned all the Sony gaming systems I have. I have the Xbox, Xbox360 (first gen, still working; close to the red ring of death though), and Xbox360 Elite. I still have the Sega Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, and also GameGear (OMG, you didn't think I would have that, huh). What can I say, I am a gamer.

Right now I am in a big predicament. I actually have to choose between two games that are coming out on the same day. Usually I don't have to, but since I went on my Sony spending spree this past month, I can't afford to get both. I am talking about Tekken 6 and DJ Hero. I really want both, but right now I am convinced in getting my Tekken 6 (only because I have the limited edition reserved). I really want the limited edition fighting stick. The only problem is, I don't remember which system I reserved it for. I am pretty sure it's for the PS3 because of the graphics.

Electronics are my weakness. I think I would rather buy electronics over Hello Kitty stuff (OMG, did I just say that).

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Maui County Fair 2009

I can't believe a whole year has passed since the last county fair was here. Where has the time gone? From October 1st through the 4th, all of Maui County gathers for the annual county fair. The fair is kicked off with a parade. Each year, I don't have a chance to see it because of work. I don't mind. Every year during high school I would have to be in the parade due to the marching band. (Yes, I was a band geek.)

This year, I decided at the last minute to enter the Homemaker's Fair. The Homemaker's Fair showcases amateur sewers and crafters. I think it was a bad idea to commit to it so late. I decided in September that I wanted to sew some things for the fair. Dumb, dumb, dumb. One month to make as many items as I could and do them as cleanly as possible.

I also was dumb enough to announce to my coworkers that I was entering the Homemaker's Fair. Now, I HAD to finish everything I could and at least enter one item. So much stress. I had to find material that I wanted because in the end, I would want to wear the items that I was sewing. The worst part of sewing for me is cutting out the pattern. Argh, I hate it! You don't realize how many pieces there are in the clothing that you wear until you have to make it yourself.

There were times when I just wante
d to throw my sewing machine out the window because of all the stress I was putting myself into. I'm very OCD. So sewing can get quite stressful for me when things go wrong. It's not like I had all day everyday just to sew. I still had to go to work. At least work would keep my mind off of my sewing.

In the end, all the stress was rewarded. I WON!!! Yay for me! My Aloha Lolita outfit won first and my oriental purple dress won second. I told my coworkers that if I didn't place, I would be very sad.

This year I didn't spend much. You can tell times are tough. I didn't even get a chance to ride any rides :(. The lines were too long. Went to the fair at the wrong time. I can't believe my friends and I would actually wait in line for 30 minutes at a
time. I guess your perspective changes when you get out of high school.

All I did was
go through the exhibits and get food. (OMG I'm getting old). Next year, I will ride the rides (I hope).

Here are some pictures from the orchids exhibit. I wish I had a green thumb like these people.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

About me....

I guess I should start off my blogging with one about me. So...Hello, my name is Stacey. I was born and raised on the beautiful island of Maui (Hawaii). Lots of people mistake me for F.O.B. Even the F.O.B. people I've met ask me when I moved to Maui, LOL.

In the Spring of 2009, I graduated from the University of Hawaii-West Oahu with my BABA (B.A. Business Administration) in Accounting. Now I am at a crossroad with what to do now. Do I continue to graduate school or do I skip it and study for the CPA exam? I really do want to continue my education, but times are tough and I don't think I can afford it at the moment. Hopefully when I do decide to get my Masters in Accounting, they will still be offering it at U.H. Manoa. How often do you get the opportunity to get a Masters in International Accounting from U.H. while studying in Japan?

I'm ambidextrous. I have a logical and artistic side because of this (go figure). Don't know how that happened. At times it makes things difficult. Both sides are constantly fighting. In the beginning, I wanted to be a designer, but slowly the logical side started fighting and ultimately won because I got my degree in accounting (and math also) instead of design. Maybe one day I will go back to get a degree in design.

I am in constant struggle to wanting to do everything. One moment I want to be studying and learning more; the next moment I want to draw, design or go take photos. Sometimes it can be frustrating. There isn't enough hours in a day for the things that go on in my head. My mind is constantly going. I even remember over 75% of my dreams. I don't think my mind ever rests completely. If it did, I think I would be dead.

So that's a little about me. If you want to get to know me, you can follow me on Twitter ( or you can find me on MySpace ( I am on Facebook, but that's more for close friends and family (sorry >_<).